Mental health issues grow less stigmatized every year, yet personality disorders remain confusing to many people. However, because roughly 10 percent of the adult U.S. population is afflicted with a personality disorder, it is wise to educate oneself on some of the most common personality disorders and their symptoms, as well as options for treatment. What is a Personality Disorder? According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), commonly referred to as the “bible of psychiatry,” a… Continue Reading
The Signs and Symptoms of Poor Teen Mental Health
It’s not easy to identify mental illness in another person. Even in adults, it’s difficult to know where to draw the line between strange behavior and mental illness. This is even more true in teenagers. Many parents find themselves wondering “do I have an out-of-control teenager or is this a mental health condition?” First of all, you aren’t alone. The fact that you’re here reading this now shows that you are ready to do whatever it takes to get your… Continue Reading
Alternatives to Self-Harm: Coping Strategies for Adolescents
Dealing with negative emotions and traumatic situations isn’t easy – especially for teenagers. Teens are halfway between adults and children. They’re still learning to live in their own skin while managing to cope with new situations and experiences. Why are teens and self-harm so connected? Accessibility probably has a lot to do with it. Adults don’t always cope with negative emotions in healthy ways either – sometimes they turn to alcohol and drugs, lash out, or resort to self-destructive behaviors…. Continue Reading
Is Social Media Affecting Your Teen’s Mental Health?
The relationship between teens and social media is constantly changing. Since its introduction, social media has transformed the way future generations communicate, socialize, and maintain lifelong friendships. Though there are many benefits to being “plugged in,” there are also risks for teens. Social media can offer a world of cyberbullying, poor time management, decreased self-esteem, and feeling left out. Over the last decade, anxiety and depression have become common mood disorders among teenagers. A 2017 report concluded that the number… Continue Reading
How to Talk to a Child about Tragic Events
On Sunday 5 November, a lone gunman opened fire on worshippers at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. It was the deadliest mass shooting in Texas history. The perpetrator was eventually stopped but not before he had gunned down least 26 people, including children. Five days earlier, on 31 October, innocent people in New York were the target of an attack when a local man drove a rental truck down a crowded bicycle path close to the World… Continue Reading
The 5 Most Common Signs of Bullying and How to Stop It
Bullying has been around since the beginning of time. Bullying is destructive and dangerous behavior that can leave physical scars as well as mental. Those who have been bullied can suffer from PTSD and other mental illnesses. If your child is being bullied at school or even online, you may not even know it. Often those that are bullied will feel ashamed and may be embarrassed to talk about it with their parents. Silence only makes the shame worse and… Continue Reading
Adolescent Mental Health: Teen Suicide Is Not a Game
In today’s digital age, everything is accessible to teenagers via connected devices – even suicide. The rise in teen suicides is alarming. Learn what you can do to protect your teen. Suicide, at any age, should not be taken lightly. It is a serious problem and extremely harmful to not only the person attempting it, but everyone in his or her life. Knowing the outcome of a suicide, it’s unfortunate that the severity of the problem even has to be… Continue Reading
Understanding Schizophrenia: How to Recognize the Causes, Symptoms, and Early Warning Signs in Young People
Schizophrenia is a serious and chronic mental health disorder that alters how someone thinks and feels in a way that can interfere with normal behavior. The onset of the illness can happen at any age, but the U.S. National Library of Medicine says signs most commonly start showing between the ages of 16 and 30, with men generally developing it in their late teens to early 20s and women in their late 20s to early 30s. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)… Continue Reading
Opiate Addiction: Side Effects and Treatment Options
Opiates come in a variety of types and with a variety of demons associated with abuse. If you suspect a loved one is suffering from opiate abuse, we recommend becoming informed on the treatment options available to them. How Opiate Addiction Destroys Families and Lives Addicts don’t wake up one day and decide to get themselves hooked on a substance that could potentially destroy every good thing they’ve ever had in their lives. For some, the addiction happens by accident,… Continue Reading
How to Help Someone Struggling with Addiction
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines an addiction as “a strong and harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble).” Watching a friend or loved one struggle with their need to take something you know is detrimental to their life is painful. You love them. And you want to do anything you can to help them. Though our desire to help comes from a place of caring and concern, sometimes it can actually hinder the… Continue Reading