It is not unusual to feel rattled after a trauma like an accident or a major conflict. Generally, people are able to move forward; but, what if you’re physically unable to return to normal life? Or what if your loved one isn’t himself or herself after serving in the military? While things may seem as if they will not get better, there is hope, but you need to contact a quality healthcare facility like San Antonio Behavioral Healthcare Hospital. You… Continue Reading
Don’t Be A Bully: The Mental Health Effects of Bullying
With the growth of the internet, bullying is more of a problem for our kids today than ever before. Social media sites and online forums give people a cloak to hide behind, emboldening cyberbullies to say horrible things to any innocent commenter. Bullying happens in person too, like on school campuses or at extracurricular activities. And though bullying is obviously hurtful, there are other serious short- and long-term effects that can take place for both the person being bullied and… Continue Reading
Suicide Prevention Awareness: (My story isn’t over)
Suicide overall is the 2nd leading cause of death for ages 10-24 (The Jason Foundation). Data from the National Vial Statistics System indicates that between 1999 -2014 ages from 45 to 65 years old had the highest increase in suicides. American Society for Suicide Prevention reports approximately 45,000 people die each year of suicide. As life moves on, difficult circumstances arise that leave many in a state of despair, loneliness, and fear. These feelings often lead to suicidal thoughts if… Continue Reading
Common Anxiety Disorders and Their Symptoms
It is common to feel anxious now and then, whether it’s before a big test or job interview, or whether you are on an important date. However, anxiety disorders are another matter. Those who suffer from these mental illnesses experience severe distress that interferes with their daily lives and can keep them from performing everyday tasks. Anxiety disorders are among one of the most common mental health issues. Signs and Symptoms Here are some of the more common anxiety disorders:… Continue Reading
How an Emotional Support Animal for Depression Can Help
Depression is one of the leading causes of disability in the United States. There are several methods that have been developed to combat this mental condition, including drugs, therapy, exercise, and diet regimens. One of the more recent treatments uses emotional support animals for depression in San Antonio, TX. This has been shown to work for many cases of depression. Advantages of Using an Emotional Support Animal The most common emotional support animals are dogs, although other animals have also been shown… Continue Reading
5 Stress Management Tips for 2019
As 2019 approaches, it’s time to say goodbye to the past year and embrace the new one. A new year means new opportunities and more potential success, but it also means new problems and new stressors as well. Here are 5 stress management tips that can help you handle what 2019 has to offer. Remove Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Removing unhealthy stress management coping mechanisms is just as important as developing healthy ones. Many people turn to food, alcohol or even… Continue Reading
How to Cope with Loneliness During the Holidays
Loneliness is a common emotion to experience when living alone or when we feel separated or unsupported by others. Many times, this feeling is transient, a fleeting period that lasts only a short time. However, sometimes loneliness can become persistent. For some, this persistence can last through the winter holiday season, normally one of the more joyful times of the year. Persistent loneliness can lead to increased health risks, which is why it’s imperative to understand the effects of loneliness… Continue Reading
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Effective Treatment or Scam?
Despite its surprising success rate for treating depression, many people aren’t familiar with the treatment known as transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS. Yes, the name sounds a little frightening. The truth is, however, TMS is nothing like invasive treatments of the past. In fact, it’s surprisingly safe and effective for resistant depression. If you or a loved one suffer from depression that’s doesn’t show any signs of improvement from medication or talk therapy, it might be worth considering TMS. Here’s… Continue Reading
Understanding Military Sexual Trauma (MST) – a Victim’s Guide
MST might be a term many civilians are unaware of today but one that veterans are all too familiar with. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until recently that the Veterans Affairs (VA) started to recognize MST and how it causes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – let alone offer treatment. Military sexual trauma is serious, and it affects enlisted soldiers as well as those who have retired. Furthermore, it is one that is underreported, under-treated, and can permanently alter a victim’s life. If… Continue Reading
The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Families
Domestic violence is defined as any type of violence or abuse that occurs in a familial relationship. Generally, it occurs when someone in a position of power tries to control another person such as a partner, spouse, or child. It can also occur in a relationship where people are dating or living together. Domestic Violence is not Solely Physical When people hear the word “violence,” they immediately think of physical violence such as hitting and punching. However, domestic violence is… Continue Reading
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